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Sunday, April 15, 2007

League Matches this week, some prizes announced

CheckRayz Sponsors:

Cheapest, best poker chips for your home poker tourneys!

Carbon Poker - Freeroll poker tourneys every 3 hours!

Pokerstars - best players on the net.

Full week ahead for the CheckRayz Poker Tour. We are running two leagues or tours at once, one at Bugsy's Club and the other at

Here's a bit more about how each shall work:

Bugsy's Club

This league will play every Monday night at 8pm EDT from now until the end of June. The details have not yet been finalized on this league as to what the grand prizes are, however, I will have this information finalized and posted on the CheckRayz site early this week. (There is a new affiliate manager I am working with, and he and I are focusing on getting things moving sooner rather than later so that we are able to maximize the number of games we're running per week).

This week's tournament takes place, as mentioned, wull play out Monday 4/16 at 8pm EDT. The password for this tournament is on the CheckRayz tourney schedule and passwords page. New players are welcome and may download the Bugsy's Club Poker Room software here. The tournament can be found in the private tab of the Bugsy's Club software.

CheckRayz Leaderboard Tour at

This poker tour plays every Wednesday night and Thursday night (at 9pm EDT) from now until the end of June. The tournaments can be found in the Tournament area, private tab and then scheduled the scheduled tab.

The results will be tracked on the CheckRayz Leaderboard and that leaderboard should be up and running very shortly (Monday-Tuesday). The complete prize package has not yet been determined, however, first place will receive $100.

This week, we have on Weds 4-18 at 9pm EDT a $2+.20 freezeout and on Thurs 4-19 at 9pm EDT a $2+.20 rebuy.

All passwords are on the CheckRayz tourney Schedule and passwords page. Those who have yet to download can do so here.

As I said, busy week ahead. I'll give official guidance ASAP on the complete prize package on Bugsy's Club. Have a great week!
